Sunday, February 22, 2015

90 days until my toughest race yet

As a young runner growing up in the Ohio Valley, the Big Boy Classic 20K was our Super Bowl. Every May, the top runners from around the world traveled to Wheeling, WV to battle the course the great Bill Rodgers tabbed "the toughest course anywhere". Don't believe, Bill? Check out that elevation chart! Like many in the "valley", I looked forward to the Big Boy. For an entry fee, we were given the opportunity to line up with the best in the USA and around the world. For a few years, the Big Boy was the national championship for that distance (12.4 miles). In either 1984 or 1985, I won the 20-24 age group. Been so long I cannot remember that special day.

In moved away from that area in 1989 and have grown accustomed to flat land running. In 1999, I returned to Wheeling to battle the beast, and after having to walk up 1/4 of Wheeling Hill, promised myself that I would never run it again. The years have come and gone. The event is now sponsored by Ogden and has been lengthened to a half marathon. Another half mile of pain! I always look up the results and recall the magic of that event, but have not considered going back on my word. Until now.

My wife and I trained for two half marathons in 2014. Somewhere during a conversation, I mentioned something about running the Ogden Half in 2015. I'm not sure what made me speak those words, however, since doing so, I have started looking forward to it. Of course, I have family there so that could be a reason to be excited. My mom and dad, brother and sister, aunts and cousins along with many of my closest friends all remain in that area. As great as it will be to see them, none of them are going to get me up 29th Hill (it's that BIG spike in the map. All 1.8 miles of it). I've got 90 days to get ready.

I have always joked that the biggest hill in Wilson, NC (my home) is whatever setting you place on a treadmill. Training here doesn't bode well for my Ogden success. I'm a savvy veteran so I will come up with a plan. Our 12 week training schedule begins on March 2, but I'm a 90 day guy. My life revolves around 90 day cycles. Today, I ran an easy three miles. Training has begun.

I plan to document my 90 day journey through this blog. I will blog at least once per week or whenever I feel the spirit to do so. During this 90 day cycle, I plan to knock off 20 pounds. I believe an 180 pound Tom will get up those hills much easier. At least that is the thinking. Please wish me well on my journey!

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